Saturday, May 17, 2008

Things I made the time to say on my myspace page

Sunday, May 04, 2008
I was alive when Kennedy was President. Current mood: nostalgic Category: Life
Gweny and Sir Lance-a-lot singin' "tis May! Tis May! The Merry month of May!" I sang the role of Sir Lancelot in my sixth grade musical. (I was also the artist who provided the handsome backdrop drawings of castles and trees).
Curious to think of it all these years later. The place, P.S. 93, the Bronx. The play, "Camelot." John F. Kennedy was president but headed for that fateful intersection with destiny and death that has since led to the very notion of a glittering but doomed, I say doomed, court being summerised in the single word "Camelot."
Oh yeh! I was the only idiot who wore the perscribed tights as part of his costume. Me. In tights. Everyone else, jeans beneath their tabards. Talk about doomed!
My teacher, I later learned, altered the charactor of the musical by removing any notion of Guinivere's lusting after Lancelot while married to Arthur. Which I wouldn't have understood at the time any way. My teacher also had a nervous break down on the day Kennedy was shot, and was never seen again (by myself, anyway). She was followed by a string of seriously interesting substitutes. They ranged from an out of work merchant marine seaman to a young woman I strongly suspected of moonlighting as a .10 cents a dance type dancer or some such 'exotic' female job. She, I thought, looked like a flamego dancer in the movie "Ship of Fools," which I managed to watch one late night on TV. Compared to some of the riff raff I have been exposed to in primary and secondary educational facilities, they were all brilliant and interesting creatures that managed to excite my desires for knowledge for knowledge's sake.
There were field trips to a Japenese Tea house, the New York Museum of Natural History and its planitarium (I am still haunted by the life size Blue Whale suspended from a ceiling), someone even managed a jaunt to the Merchant Marine Academy (wonder who thought that one up) where I got to touch my first actual suit of Samuri armour and see massive model ships with working miniature cranes, that were used to teach the proper way to load a sea going vessal.
I had my first tutor, which was also my first exposure to osteoperosis. She was a retired NYC teacher bent in half by disease. It made me feel some how guilty when I later built an Aurora model kit of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. (Which was another old movie I managed to sneak a viewing of on late night TV. To this day I weep for Esmerelda's goat.)
So, Tis May, Tis May! And I will never be in the 6th grade in New York City again. Nor shall I ever return my over due copy of Gulliver's Travels to the New York Public Library. I am just bad, I guess. It was the trauma of wearing the tights. I am sure of it.

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Friday, January 25, 2008
Vacuum part returns!
Renewed hope for humanity! The lost attachment to my vacuum cleaner has been returned to its nestling place in the mothership! Now, if only the poor, shattered, hooking apparatus that permits the hose assymbly to store upright on the main body, if only it could see a new and repaired day!
Think I whine too much? Think I am a cranky old man who complains about every little detail in my life? I remind you, sir, the oft told tale of the nail.
"For want of a nail, a shoe was lost (refers to a horse shoe and nail).
For want of a shoe a horse was lost!
For want of a horse a rider was lost! (refers to a vital messanger).
And for want of a rider, a kingdom was lost! (Some versians say 'for want of a rider a crown was lost.)
I am thinking this is a reference to Shakespear and one of those king Henrys. Simply put, some doof didn't take care of making sure his horse's shoes were firmly attached. When the king was getting it put to his army in a battle, he summons the very same doof to ride hard for reinforcements. Doof jumps on old Neillie and rides hard, only to have his loyal mount throw a shoe, go lame and not make it to the reinforcements in time. (In the versian I like, the horse throws the shoe, stumbles, throws the rider, who flys into a creek and breaks his neck while drowning!) No reinforcements, good king Henry loses da battle, and his head and crown with it.
So see, if my busted vacuum falls on me when I am walking by, and I lurch to avoid it, and fall, breaking my poor old hip, and I miss work, losing money that pays for the internet service that provides access to this heavily read web page, well, you can see why the vacuum cleaner must be in tip top shape!!! LOL!!!
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Wednesday, January 09, 2008
beware the toothless dog, he will lick you to death. Current mood: virginal
I would like to say that is an old indian saying (it very well may be, only I do not remember hearing it from an old indian). It is the phrase that came to mind as I spend a rare day off (in other words, I am still working very hard and doing stuff, but I wont see the hours on a pay-stub). As I age it all becomes clear to me (even clearer after a dose of visine in each eye). The toothless hound survives by learning new tactics for dealing with life's necessities. Instead of getting all snarly and scarey, he without fang must turn to displays of affection and unbearable cuteness to earn sustinance and a warm place to sleep.
Based upon this flash of insight, I anticipate Osama bin Laden will come out with a fun line of valentine day cards. Beware! The licking begins!
This cryptic message is a memnomic device for my personal diary. To pull back the curtain abit, it refers to my recent month long contest with my bank over certain missed occaisions for getting their job done in a timely and pleasant manner.
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Friday, January 04, 2008
The new year is old already... Current mood: fabulous
gee...headlines blare regarding the Britney situation. The Washington Post throws salt in the wounds left by the loss of a female soldier in Iraq.......Iowa caucasi are over before the last Christmas tree has been mulched. I loaned a friend a vacuum cleaner which I have babied over the years and he returned it missing an attachment and with a key piece broken that wont allow me to store it in an upright position, therefore saving space. surprises at all.
Of course the New Year is an artificial line of demarcation in time. Like the insanity of y2k, y2k-plus-8 is pretty pedestrian. Sure it's a leap year! An American election year! A Britney falls to pieces year!
Don't get me wrong, the dependability of peaceful transitions of power in the good ol' USA is a remarable thing in this world of Pakistans and Kenyas. And the idiot who broke my vacuum is still being called a friend by me....of course that may change when I demand he pay for repair parts! What I'm blowing smoke about is the same old human behavior (also remarkable, considering the wealth of articles claiming human evolution is accelerating, and the current crop of 20 somethings is actually more intellegent than preceeding generations. LOL! I guess lowering the standards for SATs and re-rigging standard IQ tests counts for something! LOL!) make this a truely new year, let's do something ORIGINAL. I mean really original, not something you are told is original, not something that is meerly an unoriginal negative image or action of what you percieve to be "the norm.'
You know what would be really new!? Leave politics out of the election! Vote for people who will serve the country as a whole, with honesty and integrity. Leave Britney alone, I mean let her go so private she forgets why she is so messed up. Leave your under-grad sloppy journalism at the door.
Let's see...oh yeh! Try being boring and hard working instead of flash-in-the-pan criminal. World peace? Do I hear World peace, from anyone? Guess what? In peaceful times and places, more people make more money and enjoy much higher standards and quality of life!

If you are still reading..have a happy and wonderful, NEW YEAR!

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Friday, November 30, 2007
Because I care..... Current mood: bitchy
I just re-read my blather about jobs and hunting them. In the misty background of me brain the twittering warnings of some internet job advice writer seep into my periphiral view. What's that? Employers might read your Myspace Blog and not hire you?!! Huh!!! Employer's might read your Myspace page and Fire you!
Well, knuckleheads, I am an American. I live in America, and if it aint illegal, it is absolutely none of your dinkin' business. Not hire me? Fire me? Over something I wrote and shared in a public forum? I don't want to work for you if that is the case. Oh, and if you think I trust you clods with a 'modern' education to be able to judge anything about anything....don't waste your time.
When I had a graduate of the University of Washington start ranting about Abraham Lincoln owning slaves, I knew it was time to stop taking current college graduates seriously. Besides, if you live in King County, Washington, you have experienced close up how people can lie about having degrees and keep their jobs ( I referrence one of our fine County Councilwomen.)
I post this here, because I care. It is just what I do.....
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
job hunt, I am just too good to work for any of these folks! Current mood: awake
Ah the frustration of my life, that got to get the jingle dance must be done a-new. Sure, more options (and less, there are very few jobs where you get to play with crayons, and get a nap session, these days, it seems).
But the worst of is, I just never seem to find an employer worthy of me. There have been a few, in the past. And even one or so that were too good for me! But not now. Not in this town. Not in this new world of beige box lives and broken with the meaning of meaningful work. Some of those I came into this world with (that is my generation of toffu bacon burger eating freaks) seem to have figured out that there is a rigged game on. And they play, and played accordingly. I just never seem to smell the fix. But I keep up by being as unhappy as those that can smell it.
Nope, I am definetly not smart enough to play dumb, and not dumb enough to be smart about things. Hell, I was in my thirties before I figured out how to dunk an oreo cookie properly. Of course about the time I did figure it out, cookies started tasting like card board play food and milk went all non-fat on me. You wont be surprised to hear me lament the fact that they no longer make hair combs from bone.
Well, off to little nemo land now. The job safari can wait till dawn. O.K., till noon.
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Monday, November 26, 2007
reason for stuff.... Current mood: blank
egoboy splains it!
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